Special Needs Harness
National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) customers need to be approved through their provider before orders can be processed.
Standard seat belts are not suitable for many passengers with special needs. The wearer is able to ‘wriggle’ out of the seat belt or, into a position such that the seat belt may become dangerous. Refer to our Special Needs Harness Guide for detailed information.
These harnesses should only be used for users with special needs, they are not a substitute for standard seat belt or child restraint. All State Governments require a medical certificate for the use of Special Needs Harnesses. We suggest discussion with designated case workers who can work through the guidelines as set out in AS4370 ‘Restraint of children with disabilities, or medical conditions, in motor vehicles’.
Your Special Needs Harness can be modified to suit your needs, call us to discuss your requirements
For further information about the harnesses and the sizes available, please refer to our Special Needs Harness Guide.